Book by Mark O'Donnell and Thomas Meehan. Music by Marc Shaiman. Lyrics by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman. Based on the New Line Cinema Film written and directed by John Waters.
Director: John Simpkins. Music Director: Edward G. Robinson. Choreographer: Josh Rhodes.
DATE/TIME: Sunday, April 3rd. Sign in begins at 10:30am. Vocal auditions will begin at 11:00am. Callbacks begin at 3:00pm with dance. Principal callbacks will follow. No appointments; no alternate auditions in NC. You must be signed in by noon to be guaranteed an audition spot.
AUDITION LOCATION: NC Theatre Studios/Conservatory for the Performing Arts. 3043 Barrow Drive, Raleigh NC 27616.
PROCEDURE: Sign in at desk and hand in photo and resume stapled together then wait for name to be called. Bring sheet music and prepare to sing best 8 to 16 bars then more if asked. Bring soft soled or dance shoes and clothing to dance in if asked to callbacks. ALL AUDITIONING MUST HAVE PHOTO, RESUME AND SHEET MUSIC.
Seeking to cast adults of all ethnicities, teens of all ethnicities who look 16 to 18 years old and one young African American girl age 7 to 12 in appearance. All must be strong singers. Teens must be strong movers/dancers. All roles are open. Both Equity and non-Equity performers are being sought. Cast size: 28. Please see information on roles and chorus listed below.
Tracy Turnblad: Female lead, mezzo, strong pop belt singer, strong dancer/mover. Overweight and pleasant looking, outgoing, good-hearted high schooler.
Edna Turnblad: Male supporting playing female, tenor. Mother of Tracy. Larger than life character actor with strong vocal, acting and comic ability. Large physique, sincere and honest.
Link Larkin: Male supporting, pop baritone, strong mover. Handsome heartthrob of the local TV teen dance show. Clean-cut and good-hearted high schooler.
Corny Collins: Male supporting, pop tenor, strong mover. TV show host.
Penny Pingleton: Female supporting, belt, good mover. Ditzy, neurotic high schooler. Tracy's best friend.
Amber Von Tussle: Female supporting, belt, strong dancer. Conniving, selfish, falsely perky high schooler.
Velma Von Tussle: Female supporting, belt, good comic actress who sings well. Ex beauty queen, sweet-seeming villainess. Amber's mother; producer of TV show.
Wilbur Turnblad: Male cameo, baritone, character actor, moves well. Tracy's lovable dad who owns a joke store.
Seaweed J. Stubbs: Male supporting, pop tenor, strong dancer/singer. Easing going, street smart attractive African American high schooler.
Motormouth Mabel: Female supporting, strong soulful, gospel/pop singer. African American radio DJ. Infectious, brassy personality.
Little Inez: Young African American girl (age 7 to 12 in appearance.) Seaweed's lovable little sister. Spunky, tough, streetwise, outgoing. Soulful voice, strong belt, great mover;
Ensemble: Many strong dancers and movers are needed for the ensemble for dance show scenes. Ensemble also includes The Dynamites, Newscaster Voice Over, other chorus specialties.
HAIRSPRAY begins rehearsal on Saturday, July 9th 2011. Show runs July 23rd – 31st, 2011 at Raleigh Memorial Auditorium in the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts. NO CONFLICTS ALLOWED.