Friday, January 8, 2010

Hal Hudson Reunion Party

The day after Christmas held the best present of all for me … a sweet blessing of old friends, teachers and students of the late and great Hal Hudson reuniting to celebrate his amazing and generous gift of theatre education. Sallie Hedrick and Mary Holt Fickes organized this little holiday treat trimmed with videos and photos ... and I must admit – it warmed my heart (in this cold mess) to see the gang back together! Many of the attendees are currently residing in NYC and LA with very successful careers in the arts, but had carved out the time while in town to pay tribute to Hal and his legacy. Even Hal’s sister and her children were able to join us from Charlotte and they brought several priceless memoirs to enjoy. Many thanks to the Fickes, Freeman and Dollar families - plus Sallie, Julie, Dallas and Cynthia for making this the perfect way to close out a NCT season!
~Donna Mullins, NCT Box Office Subscription Manager

The STAS reunion on Dec 26 was a special event. I wasn’t even a part of STAS, and I could feel the love in that room. I got a peek into the lives of about forty fabulous young adults and the man (Hal Hudson) who shaped their lives when they were youngsters in the theatre training program at NCT. I felt honored to be amongst them and learn a bit about what they’re up to now. These 20- and 30-somethings are dynamic creatures with very bright futures. They are the theatre audience, the board members, the conservatory parents of tomorrow. I felt like I was standing on the razor-sharp edge of a sliver of time. They were all looking back, reminiscing about the fabulous cocoon from which they had emerged. I could see forward into what they were becoming. I’ve seen the future, and I think we’re in very good hands!
~Joan Caviness, NCT Director, Fund & Audience Development

A few pictures from the evening:

The organizers - Sallie Hedrick and Mary Holt Fickes


Dallas Woodhouse and Donna Mullins


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